From Small-Scale to Big Success: The Transformation of a Investment/Property Business into a Thriving Property Group

The challenge

We recently worked with a company that has both a property management and investment arm. Their goal was to expand the business into a fully-fledged property group. The members of staff had some great ideas for the company, but several areas needed to be improved before they could commit to their plans for business expansion. We soon realised that this property business was comprised of mass spreadsheets and employees with no single identity or business goal to work towards.

Our solution

Our team soon realised that the employees all had different ideas about their roles and responsibilities in the business. We advised the members of staff to engage in teamwork exercises to clarify their shared business goals. Then, we generated a set of comprehensive financial management accounts from scratch. Our team helped the managers create a great elevator pitch to unify their strategy and help customers understand the business. We worked on their branding, logo design, and online presence to improve brand awareness.

The results

This company has transformed from an unstructured enterprise to a well-developed business with a coherent brand identity. By consolidating the accounts, both arms of the company could now form a partnership and begin business expansion. Their professional presentation has already garnered positive feedback. This will be crucial for expansion as the company builds its client base and transitions into a professional property group.

property group