The challenge
One of our recent clients was a sole trader who worked as a tradesman. He approached the Precision team because he was unsure how to recruit staff, nor did he know if this was the right method of achieving business growth. If he were to recruit staff, he did not know who to employ. The question was: should he take on an apprentice, an applicant with a reasonable degree of experience, or a specialist who would prove to be efficient yet more expensive?
Our solution
Our team worked with the client to use design a job specification through an online recruitment platform. These platforms offer application templates and AI to compare potential candidates. This exercise aimed to help the client realise exactly what they wanted their employee to do, as they had to list the roles and responsibilities of the position in the job description. Finally, we moved on to implementing these new changes. We assisted the client as he uploaded the job description onto different job boards through a recruitment platform.
The results
We are delighted to report that this business owner is no longer a sole trader, but a manager of a small team! He found somebody who is perfect for the role through a recruitment platform and has welcomed them into his company. This tradesman is now expanding his business at a steady rate and is very happy with his decision to recruit staff for his company. Through our sessions, he has also learnt invaluable staff management techniques that he can now put into practice with his new member of staff.