Finding Clarity: A Case Study on How Our Services Helped a Business Overcome Ambiguity and Achieve Success

The Problem

An organisation came to us, keen to grow and broaden its horizons as it felt its product could make a positive impact on society. However, its track record showed otherwise – with poor growth and an over-reliance on a small number of clients. They were puzzled as the product was good but it was not selling! However, as soon as we met with them, it became clear to us what their issue was – they couldn’t capture what they did in a sentence (or two). Ambiguity can seriously hamper any business, and this was no exception!

The Solution

Before working on marketing efforts, we felt it was crucial that they could clearly describe to us what their company was and its goals in a succinct manner. This would rid them of any ambiguity. To help them do this, we undertook a month’s worth of sessions to tease out what they do.

The Outcome

The outcome was an easy-to-read one-page document, instead of the reams of documents they previously used. We removed any acronyms and buzzwords from this one page and use this to help springboard their marketing efforts!

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