5 Soft Skills You Should Look For In Potential Employees

What should I look for in an employee? What skills should I look for? These are both questions that we frequently get asked by our clients. Due to the workplace evolving recently, becoming more competitive and fast-paced, technical skills are no longer enough. You should now be seeking out employees who have strong soft skills. These include team working, communication and problem-solving abilities. Today, we will discuss which five soft skills you should be looking for in your potential employees.


Communication is absolutely crucial in any workplace. Therefore, you should seek out employees who have strong communication skills. This means they can convey their thoughts, whilst listening to others and understanding different perspectives. This will foster a positive work environment and ensure conflict is easily dealt with.


Something that is somewhat overlooked, but is absolutely crucial in today’s world is adaptability. Gone are the days when each employee had their individual tasks to complete, with each day being the same as the last. This has been replaced by change and unexpected challenges. Adaptable employees have a number of benefits. They will be able to quickly learn new skills, adapt to new situations and remain productive even in the most challenging of circumstances.


You should look for staff who can critically think, are creative and have strong problem-solving skills. This means they will be able to analyse complex problems and generate innovative solutions which will streamline and enhance your business. Moreover, strong problem-solvers are able to collaborate well with others to drive innovation. Therefore, creating value for your organisation

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Another, very overlooked, soft skill that is crucial is empathy. Empathetic individuals are better placed to understand customer needs, provide effective solutions, and communicate effectively to build strong relationships. This will lead to better customer satisfaction and therefore retention, driving business growth and improving your bottom line.

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Last, but most certainly not least is leadership. When hiring new staff you should be looking for a good balance of leaders and followers. Individuals who are effective leaders often have strong soft skills such as emotional intelligence and empathy. This will help them to understand their team’s needs, motivations and communication styles. This will mean they can foster a positive workplace culture, inspire and motivate their team, and foster a sense of loyalty and trust. If you have effective, well-liked leaders in your team it could lead to higher staff retention. Your business can benefit from higher staff retention in several ways, including:

  • You can spend less on hiring and training new employees if you have a low staff turnover rate. You can use the time and money you save from doing this to enhance other elements of your company.
  • Long-term employees are more likely to be familiar with your company’s culture, beliefs, and operational procedures. They can do their duties more effectively, make better decisions, and provide customers with services of a higher calibre.
  • New hires can benefit from the abundance of experience and information held by your seasoned employees. This can speed up the onboarding process for new hires, help them develop their abilities, and help the business succeed.
  • If workers feel valued, supported, and appreciated, they are more likely to be happy in their jobs and stay with the company. A positive work environment, higher morale, and more job satisfaction can all be fostered by having a high staff retention rate.

Concluding Thoughts

Soft skills are crucial for success in the modern workplace. Ensuring your employees can effectively interact, communicate and adapt to change is crucial. Making an investment in the development of soft skills can increase your job happiness, career opportunities, and workplace culture. If you want support in employing staff with strong soft skills or fostering the development of soft skills in your workplace, get in touch with us.

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