Terms and Conditions

Services and Charges

All assessment and appointments will take place either at the client’s business location or at other agreed location.

Initial Telephone Consultation – Free

Contact me to discuss any concerns about your business and find out more about the service. There is no obligation to book an appointment.

Consultancy Sessions – Hourly fee

Each session typically lasts 1.5 hours depending on the agenda and complexity of work involved.

Meetings will be made up of actions based on the specific needs of the client. A typical session will include:

  • Analysis of current business structure
  • Identification of issues
  • Action plan to resolve issues
  • Action plan to build the business
  • Implementation of processes and systems to enable growth
  • After each session the client will provided with minutes and targets until the following session

Each hour will be rounded up to the nearest 15mins and all work relating to the project will be billed, including:

  • Email summaries of the meeting
  • Trials of products for the purposes of understanding the business
  • Writing and editing of documentation and reports relating to the project
  • Informal discussions with stakeholders relating to the project

Fixed Monthly Plan – Based on agreed number of hours per week

In addition to consultancy sessions, Precision Management Consultancy acts as a consultant for clients in a number of roles namely, Board Member, Financial Controller, Operations Manager and Business Manager. These roles are agreed with the client and a fixed retainer each week would be put in place.

This is a good option for clients who wish to have priority support each week.


Quotations given are valid for 30 days from the date on the quotation.

Charges for internal meetings

There may be times when a consultant collaborates with another consultant within Precision Management Consulting. This will be agreed with the client beforehand and will be necessary and useful for the project at hand.

In such an event, charges will be incurred for both consultants’ time. For example, Consultant 1 charges £100ph and Consultant 2 charges £150ph. If they spend one hour collaborating about a project, the total cost to the client for this hour will be £250.


  • Travel times are calculated using Google Maps
  • All journeys are calculated from the Precision Management Consulting base at M7 4WP
  • Within half hour travel each way – Free
  • Over half hour travel each way – Travel is charged at 45 pence per mile plus travel time of client’s hourly fee, pro rata. These charges only apply for journeys to an appointment, and not return
  • Parking costs is based on the cost of parking in the nearest accessible car park


There may be certain situations (such as illness or family circumstances) which mean that you need to cancel a session at short notice.

  • If you do need to cancel an appointment, please contact us as soon as possible.
  • Notice periods: 48 hours’ notice is required before the session
  • If you cancel the session within 48 hours, a cancellation fee of £80 will be charged


The full session fee will apply in the event of non-attendance.

Non-attendance includes: You are not in when we come to a session at your business. This includes all online conferences such as Zoom meetings.

Marketing Terms and Conditions

Project Agreement & Deliverables:

Upon completion of the project the client will receive the following files; JPG, PNG, PDF & EPS providing there are no unpaid balances.

You accept that all work produced by the designer is to be used and promoted once the client has made final payment & received files.


You agree to pay the sums indicated below:

50% Non-refundable deposit to secure the project

50% Remainder payment due upon completion of the deliverables

Until the first deposit payment has been made we will not start or produce any work for the project.

Termination & Cancellation:

You can terminate this agreement before the deposit has been paid. Once you pay the deposit & we start working on the project, the deposit is non-refundable and you will not be entitled to a refund.

You can terminate this project by providing 3 days written notice. If you want to terminate this agreement for any reason, you will be expected to settle any final payments for work already done by we which will be given in writing to you. You will not be entitled to a refund. If the contract is terminated by you, all work legally belongs to we unless otherwise agreed by we. You are not permitted to recreate the same design or ideas with any other designer.

You will be charged for any design work completed up to that point if the project must be suspended due to unforeseen situations in business or personal matters.

If the following circumstances arise we can terminate the project immediately:

You fail to respond to emails or messages for 10 working days.

The initial design style/creative direction agreed by you changes

You fail to pay the invoice by the due date

You have received several design options and solutions, but you is still dissatisfied and a resolution is not deemed attainable.

In the unlikely event that we become unable to complete the work by the due date, you and Precision Management Consulting will mutually agree on the project’s status and deliverables. If the agreed-upon time-frame is not acceptable to you, we have the option to terminate the project. In the event that no design work has been completed due to these unforeseen circumstances, you will receive a full refund of their deposit. You will also be billed accordingly for any work completed by we up to that point.

Process & Timeline Agreement:

Unless you and we have reached a different agreement, we provide a single-concept process, which grants you one initial concept idea, subject to two revisions. If you require additional revisions or if we deem the work more complex than originally defined, extra charges will apply, and you will receive written notification of such charges.

You hereby accept the following design process:

Brand Strategy Presentation, including two mood board concepts for confirming the design direction, subject to two revisions.

Upon approval of the mood board concept, we will present a single visual identity concept, subject to two revisions. All revisions and feedback must align with the initially approved design style. Significant changes in the design style requested by you will incur an additional fee.

Once the visual identity has received approval, any additional agreed-upon deliverables will be created.

The final invoice shall be settled by you after all project deliverables have received their approval. Upon receipt of the final payment, we will export all files, prepare the brand guidelines document, and deliver it to you within seven days.

We commit to meet any milestones or deadlines specified in this Agreement.

Client’s Responsibility:

You hereby agree to the following:

  • You accept responsibility for proof reading all design materials, and we disclaims any liability for any faults or inaccuracies in the delivered deliverables. Once the project is complete and invoices have been paid, there will be an extra fee if you find a mistake and requests revisions.
  • You acknowledge that we are not experts in all cultures, belief systems, and symbolisms. Consequently, if you becomes aware of any symbolism, meaning, or connotations within the design that were not previously disclosed and that they find objectionable, you must promptly notify we in writing, specifying the concerns. We will work to address and modify the design during the design process to resolve the issues without additional cost to you. However, once the project has been signed off by you and the final payment has been made, any subsequent concerns related to unintentional symbolism or meaning will be subject to additional costs for you, and we shall not be responsible for post-sign-off modifications or revisions related to such concerns.
  • You must provide feedback on designs sent by we within 5 working days & failure to do so will push the project due date back and may result in project termination. If we have to chase you more than 3 times and they fail to communicate the contract will be automatically terminated and all payments for completed work will be billed directly to you.
  • We cannot transfer font licenses to you. You must purchase and pay for their own font licenses to use it commercially.
  • If you require more work, or resumed work, to be completed on a rush order that results in us making accommodations in our schedule that go beyond typical work hours, then there will be an additional charge at a rush rate, and only accepted based on our availability. The cost for a rush order will be disclosed in written form to you.

Ownership, Rights & Confidentiality

Until final payment has been made by you, we have full ownership rights of all designs and concepts and you have no rights to use the designs elsewhere.

Any and all confidential information communicated with we during the term of this Contract will remain the property of you. We are not the owner of this confidential information and is not permitted to use it for any purpose other than providing graphic design services. Following project completion & full payment you will own the final design deliverables and we agrees to assign all rights, title, and interest in the Brand Design and any related materials to you.

Unused concepts, ideas, materials, logos and designs created during the process and which are not included in the final deliverables, remain the full ownership of Precision Management Consulting & cannot be shared or used by you.

Limitation of Liability

Any damages resulting from any provision of this agreement, including but not limited to lost revenue, anticipated profit, lost business, or delay expenses, shall in no event be the responsibility of either party to the other party or any third party.

We shall not be liable for any damages, costs, or expenses, including legal fees, arising from or related to the presence of unintentional symbols or meanings within the design.

Out of Scope

Extra deliverables added will be regarded as outside the project’s scope. You will need to provide this in writing, and there will be an extra charge

We have the right to decline any additional work requested by you.

We maintain the right to change the deadline to account for the project’s expanded scope if it is decided to add more work to the initial project and deliverables.


Invoices for sessions are sent out regularly via email only and are due within 15 working days of receipt.

Fee changes

Fees are subject to change at the discretion of Precision Management Consulting.

Existing clients will be given 8 weeks’ notice of any changes in fees.

Payment terms

Payment is accepted via BACS, cheque or cash.

  • BACS details: HSBC Precision Management Consulting, Account number 10652016, Sort Code 40-11-56.
  • Cheques should be made payable to: Precision Management Consulting.


The following process will apply in the event of non-payment:

  1. You will be contacted to remind you that payment is overdue.
  2. If the invoice is not paid within 7 days thereafter, you will receive written notice that the service is suspended pending payment in full.
  3. If payment is not received in full within 7 days of the service being suspended, I reserve the right to refer the matter to a solicitor and to commence legal action.

Referral Programme

We offer up to £250 per new client as a referral incentive. This is calculated by 10% of total revenue from the new client each month until 3 months, up to a maximum of £250.

You can claim this money either as a credit note against invoices charged from Precision Management Consulting, or by sending an invoice to Precision Management Consulting.


All information about your company will be kept confidential from any external bodies or people. Members of Precision Management Consulting will have access to any company information which is relevant for their role.


We try to keep all appointments but no liability can be accepted for inconvenience/expense if unforeseen circumstances mean appointments have to be cancelled or changed.